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Bringing successful and dynamic talents to the ASELSAN family, contributing to ASELSAN's sustainable success with employee-oriented approaches, and following an exemplary management approach in international standards that always stand by their employees form the basis of our Human Resources policy.

Bringing successful and dynamic talents to the ASELSAN family, contributing to ASELSAN's sustainable success with employee-oriented approaches, and following an exemplary management approach in international standards that always stand by their employees form the basis of our Human Resources policy.

What awaits you?

Bringing successful and dynamic talents to the ASELSAN family, contributing to ASELSAN's sustainable success with employee-oriented approaches, and following an exemplary management approach in international standards that always stand by their employees form the basis of our Human Resources policy.

We invest in the development of our employees.

While doing engineering at ASELSAN using the most modern technological opportunities, I contribute to projects that will minimize our country's foreign dependency in the field of defense industry.

From ASELSAN Family...

"While doing engineering at ASELSAN using the most modern technological opportunities, I contribute to projects that will minimize our country's foreign dependency in the field of defense industry."

Our values and values manifesto

It is difficult to be the trust of a nation; it requires drawing its strength from its values. It requires a spirit of unity above all else. It requires sharing responsibility and moving forward as one with the synergy of differences. The secret lies in always seeking excellence while competing with the world. It is to use the resources of this country in the most accurate way to achieve the best. It is to put innovation at the center of philosophy. It is to always generate new ideas to be a pioneer in technology, to try the untried and to make the impossible happen. It requires seeing challenges as opportunities by aiming for development in every field. It is to be a mind for today and an inspiration for the future by constantly improving with feedback. If you do all this by keeping your word and ensuring trust, then you will become a national technology company that grows with its values, is preferred for its competitive power, is trusted as a partner, and is sensitive to the environment and people. That is when you become Turkey's ASELSAN and the world's trustworthy technology company. We are ASELSAN. We are those who produce the technologies of the future with our values and work culture that make us who we are.

Our values and values manifesto
Our Campuses
  • Macunkoy Technology Base
  • Address : Mehmet Akif Ersoy Mahallesi İstiklal Marşı Caddesi No: 16, 06200 Yenimahalle-Ankara, Türkiye

  • Phone : +90 (312) 592 10 00
    Fax :
    Email : -

  • Akyurt Technology Base
  • Address : Balıkhisar Mahallesi Koca Seyit Onbaşı Caddesi No: 1 Akyurt-Ankara​​​​ P.K. 20 Akyurt, 06750 Ankara, Türkiye

  • Phone : +90 (312) 592 10 00
    Fax :
    Email : -

  • Gölbaşı Technology Base
  • Address : Konya Yolu 8. Km, Oğulbey Mah. 3051. Sok. No:3, 06830 Ankara, Türkiye

  • Phone : +90 (312) 592 10 00
    Fax :
    Email : -

  • ASELSAN Teknopark
  • Address : ASELSAN Teknopark Sanayi Mahallesi Teknopark Bulvarı No:1/5A 303 34906 Pendik- İstanbul, Türkiye

  • Phone : +90 (216) 493 04 06
    Fax :
    Email : -

  • Hacettepe Teknokent
  • Address : Üniversiteler Mahallesi 1596. Cadde Hacettepe Teknokent 6. Ar-Ge C Blok No: 6C/82 Beytepe Çankaya/Ankara

  • Phone : +90 (312) 297 71 62 (pbx)
    Fax :
    Email :