Electronic Warfare System Technologies

ANTIDOT 2-U/S Electronic Support System has the ability to detect, identify, digitally record signals from threat radars, accurately find the direction of the signal and ultimately find the location of threat. All data required by the user can be instantly transferred to the Ground Control Station via the aircraft communication line. The system can be easily integrated even onto tactical class unmanned aerial vehicles, and the decision to mount munition or POD on any pylon can be made by the user before the operation.

ARES 2-N is a modern, field proven ESM System solution for surface platforms from ASELSAN for today’s and tomorrow’s high-density signal environments and complex threats.

Having a world wide reputation in Radar EW systems inherited from decades of combat proven experiences in Electronic Support and Attack domains, ASELSAN presents ARES 2-NC which intercepts, detects, identifies, tracks radar signals with precise parameter measurement and accurate DF, characterizes advanced emitters and provides automatic identification via Mission Data File (MDF).

ARES 2-NCD is a field proven, next generation ESM System solution which is designed for Naval Platforms from ASELSAN for today’s and tomorrow’s high-density signal environments and complex threats.

Launching System provided by ASELSAN, isa fixed launcher system that on its base configuration, includes 2 fixed launchers with 6 barrels each Number of launchers can be increased as per the RCS of the platform itself DLS has a variety of launcher azimuth and elevation angle options for different types of platforms DLS works with an algorithm to find the ignition program solution with respect to incoming threat information, ship navigation data and decoy types loaded in the tubes. Ignition program solution is shown on the user interface. Solution can be launched by the system or the operator depending on the modes of the system.

ANTIDOT 2-U system transform even tactical class UAVs, which are widely used around world, into electronic warfare weapons, providing the protection of valuable asset against air defense systems that they have been vulnerable up until now thus contributing to the successful fulfillment of an invaluable mission. It can be easily integrated into all unmanned aerial vehicles that can be fitted with MAM-L ammunition, and the decision to mount ammunition or POD on any pylon can be made by the user before the operation.

ASELSAN ANTIDOT 2-U LB/MB/HB System is an Electronic Warfare System with electronic support and electronic attack capabilities. With its small size and low weight, it can be easily integrated into even tactical class unmanned aerial vehicles without compromising mission critical parameters. It can be easily integrated into all unmanned aerial vehicles that can be fitted with MAM-L ammunition, and the decision to mount ammunition or POD on any pylon can be made by the User before the operation. Depending on the operation scenarios, multiple PODs can be mounted on a UAV at the same time.

Having a world-wide reputation in Radar EW systems inherited from decades of combat proven experiences in Electronic Support and Attack domains, ASELSAN presents AREAS 2-NC which operates EA missions for surface platforms. ECM techniques can internally be generated by the system and applied separately or simultaneously. The system is programmable via Mission Data File (MDF) and also capable of working integrated with CMS.

Jammers crowded the already brimming spectrum over the rim. Even without any GNSS jammers present, low power GNSS signal can be overpowered and GNSS receivers may be saturated to the point of malfunction.
KARETTA comprises a state-of-art digital beamforming technique which ensures GNSS system preserves the reception of signals from GNSS satellites while suppressing multiple interference signals from various directions. KARETTA is a cutting-edge anti-jam processing unit and RF receiver with a multi-element antenna in an exclusive way to provide protection against a wide selection of threats.

PUHU 3-LT (Mobile V/UHF Electronic Support System) is developed to provide electronic support against target V/UHF communications. The System provides advantages on the tactical field by detection and tracking of target communications, monitoring and analysing signals, direction finding and location estimation of signals with state of the art algorithms.

PUHU 4-LCT provides high accuracy target direction information (line of bearing) with its signal processing capabilities and special direction finding (DF) algorithm. PUHU 4-LCT meets the needs of ground troops in different regions with 10 meters radius 5 element circular monopol antenna array, 40 meters radius 8 element circular monopol antenna array and antenna array alternatives with suitable radius between these two radius. PUHU 4-LCT can be installed and assembled by two staff in a short time.

GERGEDAN is developed for Electronic Attack (EA) operations against target communications on radios and mobile phones

GERGEDAN 3-LCT System is designed to disrupt adversary communication at V/UHF band with ASELSAN’s extensive EW technology expertise.

GERGEDAN 3-U System is designed to disrupt adversary communication at V/UHF band with ASELSAN’s extensive EW technology expertise.

ILGAR 3-LT Mobile V/UHF Electronic Attack System has been developed to provide electronic attack against target V/UHF communication systems on various platforms. With this system, target communication systems are blocked or deceived, providing advantage to allied forces on the tactical field.

ASELSAN’s Communication EW POD is a countermeasure system against threat UAVs/drones. The system with its small size and light weight, can easily be integrated to unmanned aerial vehicles.

Drone – Mini/Micro UAVs autonomous/semi-autonomous flights are mainly utilized via GNSS sources. Regarding the increase rate of dependency to GNSS, BUKALEMUN System by ASELSAN is developed in the scope of “GNSS Spoofing” concept. BUKALEMUN has the ability to deceive the UAVs cruising via their Multi-GNSS receivers. Being the pioneer system in the theme of spoofing, BUKALEMUN successfully provides the static and dynamic deception capabilities for considerably extended distances within the pre-defined scenarios.

KANGAL™ FPV protects critical facilities, military zones, strategically significant urban and rural areas from Mini/Micro UAVs and FPVs threats.
KANGAL™ FPV provides protection by actively jamming all relevant Mini/Micro UAVs and FPV Remote Control/Video Transmitter, GNSS (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS and BEIDOU) signals and Data Link/Telemetry frequency bands simultaneously.

KANGAL-MP is designed for protection against Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The system is specialized on the protection of on foot personnel and task forces.

AKKOR, equipped with both hard kill and soft kill functionalities as an Electronic Warfare (EW) Self Protection Suit, provides complete protection against all kinds of anti-tank missiles and rockets for the armored vehicles with an optimum time and the safest distance range from the platform.

AKKOR KAMA detects the anti-tank missiles and rockets approaching to the platform with its high technology radar, tracks and classifies with its EO Sensor activated by radar then eliminates them at optimum range from the platform by using Hard-Kill method.

AKKOR PULAT detects the anti-tank missiles or rockets approaching to the platform with its high technology radar, and then disables them at optimum range from the platform by using Hard-Kill method.

ASELSAN, with it’s broad experience in radar and electronic warfare systems, is proud to announce the operational success of it’s unique KORAL/NG Mobile Radar Electronic Warfare System.
KORAL/NG System supports the Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) operations by building information dominance and providing fast response time in a challenging environment. KORAL/NG is composed of Electronic Support and Electronic Attack Systems.

ASELSAN Radar ES/EA Systems
Radar ES System has the capability of detecting, intercepting, identifying, threat radar electromagnetic emissions and generating “Electronic Order of Battle”.
Radar ES System
Radar ES System determines; primary (frequency, pulse width, pulse amplitude etc.) and secondary (antenna scan, modulation on pulse etc.) radar parameters automatically and creates the emitter list. Each member of the emitter list is automaticly identified by comparing emitter parametrers with Mission Data File (MDF) / Threat Library. System has the capability of mission recording, tactical recording and intrapulse recording. Radar ES System comprieses, high gain antenna sets, wide band and narrow band receivers, high precision parameter measurement and talented recording / analysing infrastructures.