Naval and Underwater Systems

- Remote Control
- Automatic target detection and tracking
- Automatic ballistic calculation
- High Hit Probability

- Remote Control
- Automatic Target Tracking
- High Accuracy Stabilization
- Automatic Balistic Calculation
- Independent Electro-Optic Sight

- Remote Control
- Automatic Target Tracking
- High Accuracy Stabilization
- Automatic Balistic Calculation
- High Hit Probability
The GFCS provides open architecture interfaces to communicate with combat and navigation systems via combat/navigation network of the platform. The GFCS provides capability to control the Gun by Combat Management System Operator Consoles or by Target Designator System in the case of an emergency by means of Gun Emergency Control Unit.

ASELSAN Anti Submarine Rocket Launching System is a stabilized, remotely controlled, fully automated and modular firing platform that is designed to control penetrations to territory waters and mainbases to deny enemy submarines.

aselBUOY 100P has been developed to be launched from maritime patrol aircraft, UAVs, USVs, or surface ships, and is a passive directional Sonobuoy in NATO A-size.

DÜFAS 100-CU is the state-of-the-art Low Frequency Towed Compact Active/ Passive Variable Depth Sonar System is designed to detect submarines and torpedoes from long ranges using active and passive sonar capabilities.

DÜFAS 100/LR is the state-of-the-art variable depth Low Frequency Towed Active Sonar System which is designed to be used by surface combatants for long range anti-submarine warfare and surveillance.

FERSAH 100 Ms is an integrated sonar system which is designed for the purpose of detection, tracking, classification and positioning of underwater threats (including submarines, torpedoes, unmanned underwater vehicles, anchored mines, etc.) in open ocean and coastal waters.

ASELSAN FERSAH 100-N/MF Hull Mounted ASW Sonar is a mid-frequency anti-submarine sonar with high source level and array directivity. The system has active and passive ASW modes, in addition to its Mine Like Object Avoidance (MAS) mode.

FERSAH 100-S ONAA is a passive sonar operating in the low and medium frequency range, the signals received are used by the CMS (Combat Management System) employed in submarine to detect and analyze own noise of submarine.
FERSAH 100-S ONAH is a passive sonar operating in the low, medium and high frequency range, the signals received are used by the CMS employed in submarine to detect and analyze noise outside the rigid hull.

FERSAH 100-S AO is an active sonar capable of broadcasting at high frequency, and used by the CMS (Combat Management System) employed in submarine to determine the distance of underwater objects/targets.

FERSAH 100-S CA96 is the primary sensor of the submarine. It is a passive sonar that helps listen to and identify acoustic waves coming from underwater within the medium and high-frequency range.

FERSAH 100-S FA is a passive sonar operating in the low and medium frequency range, used to listen to and analyze acoustic waves from underwater to assist in detecting/identifying environmental noise.

FERSAH 100-S IA is a passive sonar, capable of listening at very high frequencies, the signals received are used by the CMS (Combat Management System) employed in submarine to decipher the characteristics of underwater transmissions.

FERSAH 100-S PA90 is a passive sonar operating in the medium and high frequency range.
KULAÇ has been developed by ASELSAN based on open architecture and modular design principles for both civilian and naval vessels.

DERİNGÖZ 100L/300, developed by ASELSAN, is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that can be used for exploration and surveillance purposes.

DERİNGÖZ 100M/600, developed by ASELSAN, is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that can be used for exploration and surveillance purposes.

ASELSAN ZIPKIN 100D is a fixed-mount, lightweight torpedo launcher from the decks of surface vessels.

System Capabilities
- Launching NATO Standard lightweight torpedoes (Mk 44 /Mk 46/ Mk 54) using high pressure air
- Transmitting preset functions from the fire control system to torpedo
- Integration to Combat Management System
- Different operation modes for controlling either remotely or locally

HIZIR 100-N, ASELSAN’s Torpedo Countermeasure System for surface combatants, localizes threat torpedo and advises the appropriate countermeasure tactics utilising its State-of-the-Art torpedo detection array.

HIZIR 100-S system collects platform and threat related data from submarine systems to provide the most reliable torpedo countermeasure tactics against torpedoes. According to these tactics, system provides programming and launching of acoustic decoys and jammers from port and/or starboard sides.
Acoustic Jammer is a broadband high power acoustic noise generator that covers all operating frequency bands of both classical and modern acoustic homing torpedoes operating in passive, active or combined homing modes. Acoustic Decoys are aimed to deceive incoming torpedo by emulating dynamic and acoustic behaviors of the submarine.

MARLİN ALBATROS is an Unmanned Surface Vehicle carrying 250 kg warhead to neutralize / destroy targets in groups or individually.

MARLİN ASW 100 is a new generation USV developed for antisubmarine warfare (ASW). Its modular design architecture allows different payload configurations.

MARLİN EW 100 is an Unmanned Surface Vehicle with advanced autonomous capabilities. It has been developed for electronic warfare with ISR capabilities. MARLİN EW 100 can be used in support of base/port/critical infrastructure protection and amphibious operations.

MARLİN ISR 100 is an unmanned surface vessel swarm system with a high level of autonomy, capable of navigating and performing tasks in swarm formation independent of a central control.